WWW WEDNESDAY March 1, 2023

Hey everyone! Back again with another WWW Wednesday hosted by Taking on a World Of Words. WWW Wednesday is where you answer the following questions: What are you currently reading? What have you recently finished? What do you plan on reading next? Let’s get into it!

What am I currently reading?

I’m still only 100 pages into Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews. I honestly don’t know why I have no urge to continue. There is a question I need answered based on the last thing I read, yet I just haven’t picked it back up to get the answer to that question. Hopefully I will this month because I would like to finish it.

Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell is a different story. I want to pick this up so bad! It’s just things we’re not in a happy place in the book and with me so I had to put it down. I’m feeling better now so hopefully I will get back into this and see my babies get better as well!! I love these characters so much.

What have you recently finished?

Nothing lol I wasn’t in a good headspace plus I just started a new job. So my time was spent listening to K-pop and watching K-pop content on YouTube…mostly Stray Kids 💚

What do you plan to read next?

These two were selected for me in one of the groups I’m in on goodreads. Nevernight by Jay Kristoff will be a reread for me, but I chose this to get selected because I don’t remember anything. I want to continue the series so I need to reread it. Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews is the latest in the Hidden Legacy series and I’m so excited for it. However, I’m actually planning on going back and rereading the whole series just to immerse myself back into this world.

Backlist Readathon 2023

Hey everyone!! Today I’m going to be giving you my TBR for the Backlist Readathon hosted by Jacqueline and a few others (video linked below). This readathon runs from March 12-18 and is all about reading those older books on your TBRs instead of new releases. So without further ado, let’s see what I’m reading.

A book you thought about unhauling

It’s been years since I’ve been in this world and I’m not sure if my excitement is still the same.

A book from an author you’ve read from before

Cant wait to get back to this series!!

A book from your favorite genre

Fantasy is my favorite genre and I also like middle grade. I’ve tried to read this before through audiobook, but I want to try again now that I have the physical copy.

A book picked via random number generator

I have 53 books to choose from, not including the ones already selected or that I’m currently reading. The generator selected 47 and so I’m reading Empire of the Vampire.

Co-host prompt (each host got to select a different prompt of their choosing for this)

I choose the prompt “a book with blue on the cover” and I selected Boyfriend Material!

So there you have it!! My tbr for The Backlist Readathon. Are any of you participating in this readathon? If so, what are you planning on reading? Hope you find some great reads! As always, happy reading 💚

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

How it works: Each Tuesday will be assigned a topic and then you post your top ten list that fits it. Feel free to add your own spin on the topic to make it work for you!

This Week’s Topic: Genre Freebie (Pick a genre and build a list around it. It could a list of favorites, a to-read list, recommendations for people interested in reading books in that genre, “if you like this, try this”, etc.)

For this I chose my favorite genre of Fantasy. I want to get more into adult fantasy so I will list the top ten adult fantasy books/series I’ve either loved or want to get around to. Enjoy!

First Line Fridays February 24, 2023

Hey everyone! I’m back with another First Line Fridays, hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author, or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines?

Pick a book off your shelf (it could be your current read or on your TBR) and open to the first page.

Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first!

Finally…..reveal the book.

I wouldn’t have known about the dead man if I hadn’t walked into the kitchen at the exact moment my one and only lodger was about to warm up an eyeball in the wave-cooker.”

This book is…..




WWW Wednesday February 22, 2023

Hey everyone! Back again with another WWW Wednesday hosted by Taking on a World Of Words. WWW Wednesday is where you answer the following questions: What are you currently reading? What have you recently finished? What do you plan on reading next? Let’s get into it!

What have I read?

What am I currently reading? 
I’m over 100 pages in Blood Heir, while the other two I’m just starting.

What do I plan on reading next?

 Can you tell I have a new favorite author and series?? lol the first two will be rereads and the last two will be new reads and I will be caught up ☺️

What are you reading or planning to read?? Have you read any of these? Let me know what you thought of them!! Happy reading everyone 💚💚

Hello there!!

Hey everyone 💚 I am back. Well kind of. Life has been crazy and I ended up taking a year and a half off of reading. It wasn’t intentional at first. I moved to another state in summer of 2021, and then my interest switched from reading to K-pop lol so K-pop held my entire attention for all of last year. I have just now gotten back into reading and already am on my 5th book!! I plan on doing a wrap up for January because I’ve also missed blogging. I hope I can get back into the swing of things. I hope everyone had a great new year!!

happy reading 💚

WWW WEDNESDAY March 10, 2021

Hey everyone! Back again with another WWW Wednesday hosted by Taking on a World Of Words. WWW Wednesday is where you answer the following questions: What are you currently reading? What have you recently finished? What do you plan on reading next? Let’s get into it!

What are you currently reading

This is the year of black romance apparently. These are books 4-6 lol for someone who couldn’t stand romance, I am loving these. I guess it just took me reading one where I could actually see myself in the MC spot. I plan on reading most if not all of Talia Hibbert backlist.

What have you recently finished

I finally did it!! Strange the Dreamer is finally read and omg I loved it so much. I gave it 4.5/5 stars.

What do you plan on reading next

WWW WEDNESDAY March 3, 2021

Hey everyone! Back again with another WWW Wednesday hosted by Taking on a World Of Words. WWW Wednesday is where you answer the following questions: What are you currently reading? What have you recently finished? What do you plan on reading next? Let’s get into it!

*Yes I know it’s Thursday but I forgot to post it yesterday lol it was almost done too*

What are you currently reading

Had to pick up book 2 in the Adventure Zone series. Plus thanks to YouTube sprints I read another 100 pages in Strange the Dreamer 💚 now I’m on part 3

What have you recently finished

I adore Talia’s writing. I am definitely making my way through all of her books.

What do you plan on reading next

I plan on continuing in the Ravenswood series by Talia Hibbert, plus there is a readathon coming up so my TBR for that is coming Saturday 💚

Happy reading everyone ❤️💚

Leather and Lace review

*Arc review copy received from Book Sirens for honest review*

Falling in love with a vampire bites—and sometimes loving a human bites back.

Dorian Villeneuve is an unlucky vampire from the slums of Devil’s Row. He makes ends meet for himself and his emotional support Chihuahua by working sleazy bars and nightclubs, doing what it takes to get by. Cash Leroy is a monster hunter from East Texas with a golden voice and an unrivaled devotion to Stevie Nicks. Hunting does not leave time for friends, let alone love.

When their paths cross during a bloody run-in with the vampire mob, Cash upends Dorian’s life—and takes Dorian under his wing to teach how to hunt monsters.

The unlikely pair become partners, and soon, best friends. However, their deepening bond grows complicated when Dorian falls in love with Cash. Their friendship is too important to throw away over an interspecies attraction, especially in a career that is already nasty, brutish, and short.

And things become even more complicated when Cash finds himself returning the vampire’s affections.

When an unusually deadly case lands in the hunters’ laps, their ill-fated affair takes a backseat. A pair of man-eating weredeer are on the loose taking victims’ hearts. With the pressure on to end the killing spree, Dorian and Cash must set aside their feelings and hunt down the blood-thirsty deer.

Can Dorian and Cash’s friendship survive this monstrous romance, or will they lose their hearts in the process?

Originally seen in the Eisner-nominated TWISTED ROMANCE anthology from IMAGE COMICS, this is the full-length adaptation of the critically acclaimed short story.

*Synopsis is from Storygraph*

Everyone has something that they are trash for. Whether it is a trope, genre, character type, etc. Mine just happens to be vampires 🤷🏽‍♀️ So that is what drew my attention to this in the first place. I just knew I was going to fall in love with Dorian and I was correct. However, Cash definitely won me over as well. You all know that I’m a character person. These two here had me smiling as well as hurting and damn near crying lol plus there were other characters who either made me happy or pissed me off.

I feel like this book was equal parts character based and plot based. I really enjoyed how the chapters bounced back and forth between timelines. It was a little jarring at first because there is no lead up to it. Like we could be reading a chapter set in the present, and then jump into the past next chapter. I was like “wait what” especially when something happened in the previous chapter between my boos where they are upset with each other and now they are suddenly happy. I am glad for the past chapters however because they showed the progression of Cash and Dorian. Plus they gave more info into why they are the way they are. We also got chapters from the antagonists as well which I appreciated because I also love villains lmao plus I loved the contrast between them. Trigger warning for gore and violence because the book opens up with a murder.

I have to give some love to Dominique. She is Dorian’s emotional support Chihuahua. I just love her and she is definitely an extension of him lol

I truly enjoyed this story (even though I’m late getting this up lol). I am curious if I will like more from this author, or if they (Magen identifies as she/they) will be just a one story read. I liked their writing style so I’m excited to try something new if I can find it.

Thank you again to Magen Cubed and BookSirens for this review copy. 💚