Hey everyone! Back again with another WWW Wednesday hosted by Taking on a World Of Words. WWW Wednesday is where you answer the following questions: What are you currently reading? What have you recently finished? What do you plan on reading next? Let’s get into it!

What are you currently reading

Everything lol I currently have 8 books started (one is from March, 4 from April, and 3 from this month) My reading has been super sporadic. Not really in a slump but not really feeling that motivation to read 🤷🏾‍♀️

What have you recently finished

Audiobooks to pass the work night helps gets things read. I prefer to read and listen at the same time, so I tend to grab audiobooks that I don’t have the physical books for.

What do you plan on reading next

My goal is knock down some of the ones I have currently going. But knowing me I will probably finish out the Witch and Wizard series since I do have the audiobooks out on my Libby app lol

How is May going for you reading wise? Also I’m hoping everyone is staying safe and healthy through this trying time. 💚

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